Active Speed Workshop

Active Speed Workshop. Teach me to Sprint 101. Partnership with Sisetraining & Airblastoff

Class Details

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Teach me to SPRINT 101

In partnership with Sisetraining & Airblastoff Sport aKa SPEEDDOCTOR Olympic Gold Medalist / Fastest 40yd on the planet earth 3.7 sec. Blistering 50m 5.67 the one and only Robert “blastoff” Esmie

Limited space so don’t get caught standing still.

Spots available: 20

Date: Feb 3rd 2023

Time: 3:30pm - 5pm

Location: Richmond/Van - BC with Final location TBD and email before camp


- Regular package $100

- VIP package $150 includes t-shirt and personalized video feedback

Email: (Pleae include the following information: contact info, age, sport you play, email, tshirt size for VIP package and your location)

Class Schedule

Class Details

Warm up, sports specifics drills, mindset, sport specific training, cool down, stretch and debrief

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